Recipe for 4-5 loaves Complexity: easy Origin: Sweets and Desserts
Marillenkuchen (Apricot cake)
Kärntner Reindling (Cake with brown sugar, cinnamon and raisins)
Faschingskrapfen (Austrian doughnuts)
Apfelstrudel (Viennese Apple Strudel)
Germknödel (Yeast Dumpling)
Kletzenbrot (Christmas fruit bread)
Linzer Augen (Linzer Cookies)
Linzertorte (Linzer Cake)
Marillenknödel (Apricot Dumplings)
Mohnnudeln (Potato Noodles with Poppy Seeds)
Palatschinken (Apricot Crepes)
Pumpkinseed Vanilla Custard with Croquant and Sweet Pesto
Ready in: 1/2h Serves: 8 Complexity: medium Origin: Sweets and Desserts