Capital City: Salzburg
Population: 534,270
Land surface area: 25.358 sq mi
Agricultural area: 271,871 hectares
Over half of Salzburg potatoes are cultivated in the Lungau, a highly fertile region in the south east of the federal state. The Lungau is an inneralpine region which gives it its special climate and vegetation and makes it together with its organic and humus rich soil especially suitable for the cultivation of potatoes. Those “Eachtlinge”, as the potatoes from the region are called, are particularly rich in vegetable protein, vitamins, and minerals and can be used in a wide variety of popular potatoe dishes.
© SalzburgerLand Tourismus
The province of Salzburgerland is the land of crystal-clear Alpine lakes, rivers and streams and thus perfectly suited for fantastic regional fish specialties. Salzburg's fish experts are personally involved in every step of the way before the fish actually makes it on to your plate, including running their own fisheries or working their magic in the smoker.
© SalzburgerLand Tourismus
Salzburg too, like its neighbor Upper Austria, is famous for the production of various cheese specialities. Cheese in Austria is typically enjoyed on a slice of bread with butter either for dinner at home, as a snack on the go, or at one of the typical “Heurige” (wine taverns) with a glass of this year’s wine or must. Cheese specialities from Salzburg are, for example, hay-milk cheese from the northern region of Flachau or the South of Salzburg, or “Bierkäse” (beer cheese) from the Pinzgau, a region in the West of Salzburg.
Gourmet Restaurants
Tomaselli, Salzburg © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH
From fish to cheese to sweets, internationally acclaimed restaurants to alpine huts and organic farms, these year-round tips and recommendations are perfectly suited to travelers with ambitious gourmet tastes. For years now, the Salzburgerland boasts the highest concentration of internationally acclaimed restaurants in Austria, giving it the nickname "top chef country."
For a list of restaurants in Salzburg, check out "Your Guide to Culinary Salzburg".
Plan your own trip to Salzburg on the Website of the Austria Official Travel Info: